Books + Press

Read the latest press on the Madison K. Live, Life, Fun Book Series!
BEA (BookExpo America) Diary 2015 by Alan N. Canton, Publisher, Adams-Blake Publishing NEW YORK, NY - June 2015 - Some publishers just get it altogether... the right story, the right character, the right market and the right strategy to become an acquisition target. I hung out for a while at the Madison K booth and watched as reps from major house after major house came by to see if they could acquire not only Nina Kaplan's books but her entire line of products as well. I didn't stay long enough to see if anyone made the deal.

Pregúntame cómo vendo un millón de libros... by Beatriz Celaya NEW YORK, NY - May 2015 - No muy lejos de allí estaba Nina Kaplan la creadora Indie del Madison K una mujer que viene del mundo de la cosmética y que se introdujo en el mundo de la edición porque se dio cuenta que las chicas jóvenes necesitaban un referente. A pesar de que todo su stand rebosa de corazones de color fucsia, Madison K.A. es la antítesis de las princesas de Disney, capaz de tomar decisiones por si misma, moderna y tradicional a un mismo tiempo, y sobre todo con una gran ética. "Un modelo a seguir"- cuenta la propia Kaplan que lleva invertidos en sus libros y merchandising (bolsos, frangancias, maquillajes, zapatillas, gafas etc…) más de un millón de dólares. Ella confía en recuperarlos pronto y ganar beneficios en breve. [view article]
Announcing the release of Madison K. Live, Life, Fun...American Dreamers! NEWTOWN, PA – May 27, 2015 – Where better to launch the release of the third book in the series than BookCon, "the event where storytelling and pop culture collide." Visit BLC at BookCon Saturday, May 30 & Sunday May 31, 2015 at the Javits Center in NYC! Meet the author, Nina Kaplan, and get the first look at the brand new line of Madison K. accessories! For more information on this fantastic celebrity book show event, visit www.thebookcon.com. We would love to see you there... And remember...It's all about the fun! Madison K. Live Life Fun Doggie Day is Saturday September 30th! All day come and bring your four legged bestie! 10% of the proceeds will go to Paws Philadelphia. Adoptions on site.